Task 7 – Mode Bending

Posted by in Tasks

I tried to keep the New London Group’s key concepts of hybridity and intertextuality in mind while redesigning my ‘What’s in my Bag’ task. As they described, ‘hybridity highlights the mechanisms of creativity and of culture as-process particularly salient in contemporary society’ (p. 82). Intertextuality ‘draws attention to the potentially complex ways in which meaning (such as linguistic meanings) and constituted through relationships to other texts (real or imaginary), text types (discourse or genres), narratives, and other modes of meaning (such as visual design, architectonic or geographical positioning)’ (p. 82). Examples of hybridity and intertextuality that come to mind from this task are some indirect references to Covid (face masks and the words ‘safety protocols’ written in my notebook), Starbucks, and Apple (iPhone) products, including the use of an iMovie trailer for this project.

A benefit from this redesign is that I think the viewer would get a better sense of me and my personality from watching my iMovie trailer than from reading my Task 1 post. I believe the theme and music adds an additional emotional element, and allowed me to do it in a creative way (hybridity). A challenge I faced was that putting together the iMovie required more technical skills necessary than simply writing about it.

For reference, here is my original ‘What’s in my Bag’ photo.


Please find the link to my mode bending ‘What’s in my Bag’ task below:




The New London Group.  (1996). A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures. Harvard Educational Review 66(1), 60-92.