Nuskin brainwashes consumers via MLM

When I opened Wechat, which is a social platforms supporting group chat, voice, photo, video and text messages, I could see that many of my friends frequently updated their moments about how NuSkin has changed their beauties and  how NuSkin has been better off their lives. They lauded the products to the skies and tried to brainwash their friends and families for buying NuSkin’s products. After seeing those moments several days, I just blocked those people without seeing their updated moments anymore. For my perspective, I would think that I have low involvement of this brand because of little interest in the products; therefore, I paid less attention to its products although many of my friends have introduced so many times of those products to me.

I was curious that “Has NuSkin done something for those people?”. Later on, I found that the company has many interesting and critical marketing news. NuSkin, using Multi-level marketing (MLM) models for compensation, has been a frequent subject of criticism and lawsuits. The Multi-level marketing is a marketing technique which involves people buying a product, then earning a commission by selling it to their friends and families. This model is profitable once it operates successfully as the first individual will receive compensation from the sales of the down line members and the company captures most benefits from the MLM binary tree structure. If you open YouTube and search for NuSkin marketing, a great deal of information such as “NuSkin how to make money” will come forth in your screen. I feel like that network marketing is a powerful and modern form that everyone can open their businesses, especially for personal selling, through this way as it is low cost and effective.

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