Reflection Blog on External Blog

In this blog post, the author talks about how business in Canada should respect Remembrance Day. While it is noble to publicly express your thankfulness to those that fought for our freedom, some businesses take advantage of this day to make that extra profit. I fully agree in what the author have said, as it is November right now, it is appropriate to show your respect. However, I have also noticed that many social media sites take advantage of public holidays to especially ‘showcase’ its many targeted advertisements. While this is a great marketing technique, it is ethically wrong. If advertisement for Christmas presents appear around the holiday season, it is acceptable and understandable. However, Remembrance day is a day meant for appreciation, respect, and mourning for those that sacrificed themselves for freedom of their country. Businesses should understand this and treat this situation seriously. They should not neglect the ethical problems and only focus on profit making, as any firm is still part of a working, humane society.

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