Reflection Blog for Tang Keyu

In Tang’s blog, it is clear that Snapchat rejected a multi-billion offer from Facebook. While this offer could seem ‘too good too be true’ for a company that is still reasonably new in the market, Snapchat rejected this offer because they feel that it can make more profit in the future. In my opinion, I fully agree with Snapchat’s decision. As the age of technology and social media develops even more, more young people will be introduced to apps like Snapchat. Its older customers will also continue its usage of unique and quirky social media like Snapchat, being a user myself and seeing the majority of my age group using this product, it just solidifies the fact that Snapchat will be here for the long run. If the company develops the product continuously, Snapchat will gain even a bigger customer base and increase its profit.

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