Thylacospermum caespitosum (Cambess.) Schischk.
Mat forming, cushion plant species. Taller white blossoms belong to a different species. Common name: Family: Caryophyllaceae Information: Photos: Main:…
Mat forming, cushion plant species. Taller white blossoms belong to a different species. Common name: Family: Caryophyllaceae Information: Photos: Main:…
Needs verification. Possibly similar to A. griffithii Common name: Family: Caryophyllaceae Information: Photo: Skinmang Glacier, ca. 4400 m. K. Hewitt,…
Tentative: Arenaria sp. Alternatively or Saxifraga sp? Common name: Family: Caryophyllaceae Information: Photo: Ghondoghoro Glacier, ca. 4350 m. K. Hewitt,…
Common name: Bladderwort Family: Caryophyllaceae Information: Photos: Top, middle: Deosai plateau, northern edge; Exposed high alpine upper SE facing slope…
Dianthus analtolicus Boiss. or D. jacquemontii Edgew. Common name: Family: Caryophyllaceae Information: Photo: Arid canyon leading from into Thalle Valley…
Common name: Family: Caryophyllaceae Information: Photo: Sources and additional resources:
Common name: Family: Caryophyllaceae Information: Photo: Sources and additional resources:
(small white blossoms to the right of the purple alpine daisy, Erigeron alpinus L.) Common name: Mountain Chickweed Family: Caryophyllaceae…