Text Technologies: The Changing Spaces of Reading and Writing

Task #2 Does language shape the way we think?

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This was my first time using CLAS and I really enjoyed the ease and flexibility it offers. I have my Social Justice students annotate articles all the time, and this tool would prove so useful to encourage connections BETWEEN students. I wish there was an option to upload images to the margins, as students usually connect what they are reading to visuals.

Boroditsky’s (2011) article, ” How language shapes thought” contextualized language, culture and knowledge. Her point that “each[language] provides its own cognitive toolkit and encapsulates the knowledge and worldview developed over thousands of years within a culture” (p.65) resonated with me. I truly agree that worldviews vary through cultures and that knowledge, is thereby shaped by language. I also believe that those who are multliginaul are able to take pieces of each of these worldviews to create a unique identity with distinct characteristics.  

I have labelled my own connections as:

  1. Text to Text: indicates I am making a connection with the source and another piece of text I have read or seen.
  2. Text to World: indicaties I am making a connection with the source and a world event, be it past or present.  
  3. Text to Self: indicates I am making a connection with the source and my own personal experiences.               


Boroditsky, L. (2011). How language shapes thought. Scientific American, 304(2), 62-65.                                                    

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