Alvin Koo's Blog

Points of Difference

October 9th, 2010 · No Comments

Intense rivalry between Apple’s new iPhone 4 and Research in Motions’ Blackberry Torch has created a desperate race to find a point of differentiation in hopes to gain market share over one another. In comparison of the two products, it would be fair to claim that both products are equivalent in terms of features and benefits. Despite this fact, Apple appears to have the upper hand in the smart phone market and in general much more popularity and brand loyalty over RIM. In response, RIM has concentrated on enhancing their security in protection of customer’s calls and text messages.

Points of differentiation must be unique selling points that competitors are unable to recreate and Blackberry has done well with their “encryption” specialties. However, RIM runs into trouble with the Indian government exactly over these security issues. In the face of possible boycott from the Indian government, RIM has still managed to compromise with the Indian government yet maintaining the protection of encrypted information for their customers. This offered RIM a good P.o.D in how the company resisted change and insisted in valuing customer privacy. Strong brand loyalty may possibly be accomplished because of such strong company values.

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