The End of Twinkies: The Start of a new Health Era?

There has been particularly focused on the end of the Hostess Brands Inc., and a concern about what is going to happen to the infamous product, Twinkies. Instead of focusing on the negative there though, however, here is an investigation how the uncertain future of Twinkies is ushering a new era of health and organic products that, especially the United States, will benefit our generation and generations to come.

According to the Globe and Mail, the company has 36 brands of the company to sell off, including “Twinkies, Wonder Bread, Ding Dongs and Drakes.” I realize that Twinkies have been the iconic American snack, however, let’s look at gross facts about Twinkies that will help change your view about them:

1. Twinkies have been subjected to many scientific experiments, including gravitational response tests and radiation tests

2. One Twinkie contains 19 g of sugar, equivalent to almost 5 tsp. The American Heart Association recommends keeping added sugar intake to 6 tsp. per day for women and 9 tsp. per day for men

3. One man ate 24 twinkies in one minute, which was 3,600 calories

The end of Twinkies means the end of the multiple high school experiments, conducting the longevity of them, and hopefully the end of the unhealthy snack foods for kids to fall victim to.

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