
A reflection of our original project plan – the lessons learned and how things can be improved from the project management perspective:

Group #10, Amalgamate Innovators handled this IT case quite appropriately. We allocated work according to each individual’s expertise and strengths. Looking back, I would have chosen a different way to differentiate DataMed, – rather than choosing a demographic (Chinese people), I would have chosen a service such as operating 24/7, purely be a walk in clinic, or  specialize in certain type of surgery for example. I found it difficult to always consider the “Chinese People” in our IT solution. This was the main challenge to this project and changed a lot of the IT solutions we came up with. In addition, the challenge was also deciding and identifying what type of IT system would be suitable for DataMed as not everyone in the group understood the systems. If I were to change the project timeline,  I would have made it mandatory for each and every individual to go to a physical Medical Clinic and do hands on research on their clinic to apply to our case study.

I expected our group to handle the project essentially the way it worked out. As with every group project, there was an abundance of time spent in the brainstorm phase. The challenges that really changed our plans was the fact that there was a lot of time spent trying to understand the project, as many of the project guidelines and information took a lot of time to digest and/or were unclear. Knowing that there would be such issues, I would have allocated weekly time to chat with both YM & Rupin in order to properly understand what the scope of the project was and the information required of us. Secondly, I would also allocate more time to explaining and getting everyone on the same page regarding our overall solutions and adaptations throughout each stage of the project. Regardless of the complications, similar to any consulting team in reality we still provided the necessary deliverables.

I really enjoyed working with this group throughout the term. We had people who always led the group and scheduled the meeting so that we have enough time to work on. However, there was a time we had to change our plans completely. We were not clear about the expectations and there were several times that we thought we were doing right, but there was a lot of holes. I was disappointed considering the time we spent to come up with the plans, but it really helped us to understand the material. Since it took us very long time to actually understand the requirements of the project, some of the stages we prepared for the timeline did not work out. I have learned the importance of getting the full picture of the project before starting anything. Overall, this project is manageable in three months; however, I think we needed more time for the IT justification part.

Our group was pretty enthusiastic. Since we started to work on our project we have had many meetings and online discussions. During the project, we have faced with some problems which make us changed our project. However, these challenges helped us to create a more useful and efficient project. In addition, some assignments, exams and classes were interrupting our work; however, we have always tried to cover each other’s absence. Project timeline, although it was taking too long and clashing with other class activities, was well planned because we always worked on that since there are several deadlines for several tasks and we didn’t have to make a last minute project that we will not understand anything. Therefore, I can’t say that working for a project for 3 months is easy and desirable, yet I believe that it is the best way to learn the scope of the class properly.

It was a very good experience getting to learn about how to make a business more efficient in both the business and the technology aspects. By progressing through the project, it helped in broadening my view of the challenges that many businesses face and how failure can be a common consequence if a detailed analysis of the business does not happen. As a group we felt optimistic and motivated in executing the project. As we progressed through the project we faced some challenges that we had not addressed in prior parts, and the challenge was for the group to integrate the solution into our already constructed solutions. In terms of the project timeline, whenever the group faced a new challenge/problem, it was quickly addressed among the group and we would try to fix it during our group meetings, thus only slight delays were faced. But in terms of the overall timeline, this project is manageable within the three months given, but for the final report it would have been nice to have a bit more time as the overall problems noted by our judges in the IT Justification presentation  needed to be accurately addressed.

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