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As we formed project teams, I got a feel for our team and quickly discovered that it was going to be a fun semester. While we were deciding on our project task, the group chose to conduct a research project on Aritzia. I really welcomed the idea of working on a project that involved Aritzia as I love going to shop there.

During the project planning stage, we learnt that it was difficult to find a timeline that would fit the team’s schedule. As each individual on this team is extremely busy, it was crucial that we kept each other well informed with status updates and progress reports. One point that was stressed when we began the project was to communicate.

As we progress through the different stages of the project, we were able to identify and apply many of the theories and tools we learned from our course. The combination of the project with our course made the whole experience very hands-on and engaging. One thing that resonated with me from this course was the 4Ps, product, place, price and promotion.

Further, the blog assignments, along with the final video project, made me feel that I was brought up-to-date with technologies and communication tools in the business world. Before this course and projects, my mindset for the business world was still the old fashioned face to face presentations and interactions. Upon completion of the project, I found that the content in this course was extremely valuable and will further aide me in my future studies.

Surface: the Next Big Thing, or the Last Grasp?

The Big concern of wheather or not PC’s surface will stand out of the market compare to the ipad

I became a certificate Bikram Yoga teacher on March, 2013. I started to teach after graduated. Yoga brings so many benefits to people which is one of the reason why I love to teach Yoga. I feel happy and fulfilled when I am teaching, which is a job but brings joyful. Why practice Yoga? First, through practice yoga poses with breathing exercises, yoga improves blood circulations. By improving circulation, nutrias and oxygen are better transported throughout your bode resulting a healthier organs, skin and brain. Yoga can significantly reduces heart disease.Practicing Yoga is not just learn how to balance with the postures, but also lean how to balance with your own body, mind and soul. If you haven’t practiced a Yoga class, Come this Sunday at 4:15pm at Bikram Metrotown. I will be happy to see you in the hot room.

As reported in public medias and the police reports, the series of assaults against women in UBC has altered many people’s view to the safety of the environment that we are in. As a young female UBC student taking on a full-time course load while working on the side, finding enough time to just catch up with the studies is already an enormous task. Worrying about the safety of my walk back home should not be one of the things that troubles me after I clock my hours in our libraries. I’m sure I am not the only one who is sicken by this. What has our campus come to?

This video shows the hackers v angels view in such a black and white fashion that misrepresents the many grey areas that exist in our world.
there is no mention of hackers hacking for the purposes of gaining information hiden from the public for ethical reasons not for money or personal gain.
the film also assumes companies that hire hackers operate in an ethical way to begin with when they may be engaging in illegal or illicit activities that
can be revealed by so called “black hooded’ hackers. poor representation of the major issues and debate surrounding hacking,
internet security and freedom of information.I could hardly stand the black and white dualist mentality. Hackers are a grey area, always have been always will,
somebody’s devil is always someone else’s hero, you can count on this film as a one sided view against hackers and your cyberspace freedom.
in order words “Live by the computer, die by the computer.”It’s our new destiny! We create a world where everything is connected to networks.
Personal security is quite simply a thing of the past


Thesedays, Because of the  heavy mushrooming of online shopping sites, everything we could possibly desire is available online. Since we cannot be physically present to check the goods while buying them, well-meaning e-retailers offer customer-protection policies including stringent quality checks, exchange policies and money-back guarantees. I wish to convince people of the necessity of shopping only through sites with such well steps for customer benefit by narrating my best shopping experience.

I had selected a black jacket from a shopping site. The jacket looked cool and.. I paid online and eagerly awaited the jacket. Two days later, I received a call from the site saying the jacket had not passed their quality checking grades and they were extremely sorry for the inconvenience. They refunded the money soon, in the form of a cheque, and not once did they expect me to buy something in exchange. Neither did they try to refund the money in the form of shopping credits. This event showed to me that if the shopping website is good, we can be safer off buying from the internet than from a shopkeeper face to face. Therefore, I recomand to go through the customer protection policies of any website before buying from it, and to enjoy shopping from the convenience of their homes, saving time and money like I do.


In Depth: Global Marketing and Ethics (The Other Side of Apple)

Most companies include Apple, today are taking their operations global. Manufacturing in particular is being taken to China. This can mean much higher profits for a company, but there are other implications to consider here.
In the report, Apple is accused of “ignoring hazardous and unhealthy conditions at the factories in China where its components are assembled.” Employees are working excessive overtime without a single day off during the week, living together in crowded dormitories and standing so long that their legs swell and they can hardly walk after a 24-hour shift. I can’t imagine people in North America would say or complain about working over time without extra payment. Apple gives extensive pressure to its contractors to push the time of producing the products with highly standards. Due to the end, all these pressure has been pushed on its employee. Banners in the Chengdu plant gave a warning to the 120,000 staff: ‘Work hard on the job today or work hard to find a job tomorrow’. Workers who arrived late often had to write confession letters. As the result, a Foxconn employee jumped or fell from a block of flats and 18 other workers apparently tried to commit suicide in two years.








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