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As we formed project teams, I got a feel for our team and quickly discovered that it was going to be a fun semester. While we were deciding on our project task, the group chose to conduct a research project on Aritzia. I really welcomed the idea of working on a project that involved Aritzia as I love going to shop there.

During the project planning stage, we learnt that it was difficult to find a timeline that would fit the team’s schedule. As each individual on this team is extremely busy, it was crucial that we kept each other well informed with status updates and progress reports. One point that was stressed when we began the project was to communicate.

As we progress through the different stages of the project, we were able to identify and apply many of the theories and tools we learned from our course. The combination of the project with our course made the whole experience very hands-on and engaging. One thing that resonated with me from this course was the 4Ps, product, place, price and promotion.

Further, the blog assignments, along with the final video project, made me feel that I was brought up-to-date with technologies and communication tools in the business world. Before this course and projects, my mindset for the business world was still the old fashioned face to face presentations and interactions. Upon completion of the project, I found that the content in this course was extremely valuable and will further aide me in my future studies.

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