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This video shows the hackers v angels view in such a black and white fashion that misrepresents the many grey areas that exist in our world.
there is no mention of hackers hacking for the purposes of gaining information hiden from the public for ethical reasons not for money or personal gain.
the film also assumes companies that hire hackers operate in an ethical way to begin with when they may be engaging in illegal or illicit activities that
can be revealed by so called “black hooded’ hackers. poor representation of the major issues and debate surrounding hacking,
internet security and freedom of information.I could hardly stand the black and white dualist mentality. Hackers are a grey area, always have been always will,
somebody’s devil is always someone else’s hero, you can count on this film as a one sided view against hackers and your cyberspace freedom.
in order words “Live by the computer, die by the computer.”It’s our new destiny! We create a world where everything is connected to networks.
Personal security is quite simply a thing of the past

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