Blenz: making the world less lonely, one cup at a time

Single and lonely?  Like coffee?  Have no fear, Blenz is here!  This Valentine’s

season, Blenz is launching the Red Band, a way for single people to connect with other single people in the city.  The Red Band project was created from a lonely individual working at Blenz, claiming that Vancouver is “notorious for having more single people than there is rain” (Canada Post article)

Personally, I think that this is a good idea. Blenz has offered a unique opportunity for single people in Vancouver to meet new people, and potentially find yourself in a new relationship.  The Red Band project will be able to offer single people in Vancouver a chance to meet other singles in a casual and comfortable setting.

So what’s this got to do with marketing?  Well for starters, Blenz is satisfying the needs and wants of a segment of Vancouver’s population: the single men and women.  In general, single people do not want to remain single for the rest of their lives.  So basically, we all need to be in a relationship in some point in time or another.  At the same time, I’m sure we all want to be in a relationship too.  In this case, the Red Band project is targeting the individuals who need to be in a relationship (for women it would be because their biological clock is ticking) and wants (for both men and women who want to have a special someone in their lives).

So this month, if you’re single and lonely, hit up a Blenz and maybe you’ll meet your future special someone.

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