Yesterday I spent my night watching Sound of Music and realized it is probably my favourite movie. I appreciated this movie for many reasons, but the reason relating to marketing is that I was able to watch it on tv, in pretty good quality, 45 years after it was released. When I first watched it as a child, it was on VHS. Over the years I have seen it available on DVD, and now Blue Ray. We can thank the technology of digital remastering for us being able to watch old movies on our current movie players. Remastering also allows the producers of movies to market their movie another time. Take Sound of Music for example. I don’t know much about what happened in the 60s, but I’m assuming that in 1965 when The Sound of Music first came out, it was marketed like how a movie is today. And over the years The Sound of Music has been digitally remastered to be suitable for VHS, DVD, and now Blue Ray. This means that the movie has been marketed to people from different generations too. If the movie could only be shown on a VHS, I’m pretty sure my generation would be the last ones to have heard of what The Sound of Music is. But because of technology, that is not the case. Now the kids currently in elementary school know what The Sound of Music is. And it’s just going to spread from there. Digital remastering benefits everyone: the future generation because they get to watch movie classics like The Sound of Music, students and adults who want to watch movies they watched as children, and ultimately the producers, who reap the benefits of having their movie being marketed to different target groups.
Now go watch The Sound of Music because it is a heart warming, sweet, and is very well written. This is also what a trailer looked like in the 1960s. Enjoy!