Fate Of Energy Aware’s PowerTab in BC


Out of the two company presentations, I was most interested in Energy Aware because it was born from a class project. Since the company works with electric utilities to sell their benchmark product, the PowerTab , I can see Energy Aware expanding geographically quite successfully.

However, CEO Janice Cheam stated that Canada comes last on her list. As the company started out in Vancouver, I wondered why the product couldn’t be in BC homes yet.

The Problem:

In order for the PowerTab to work, it needs to communicate with wireless smart meters but a number of BC municipalities, Vancouver included, have passed motions opposing installation of the new meters (see article). The article also states various reasons why people are against the meter, such as health risks and privacy issues.  Despite the public’s concerns, BC Hydro still continues to install them, and maintains that smart meters are “safe” and “green”. While it’s important for the province’s energy infrastructure to be upgraded, BC Hydro needs to go about doing that with transparency and accountability.

What if BC city councils do successfully get BC Hydro to drop smart meters? Then the PowerTab may not be a viable product to BC energy users anymore.

Energy Aware can play an important role in reducing our electricity usage to allow for future consumption. Whether the PowerTab will be able to make its way into BC homes will depend on BC Hydro.


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