Coca-Cola Canada is going white this November, changing its can’s color from red to white to draw attention to the plight of polar bears. Coca-Cola Ltd has joined hands with World Wildlife Federation (WWF) to promote the Artic Home campaign. Coca-Cola is committed to providing $2 million to the WWF in the next 5 years and has also assured to match the donations made by the consumers.‘We first used polar bears in their print advertisement in France back in 1922 and hence, they are an integral part’ said Nicola Kettlitz, president of Coca-Cola Ltd.
Is it just the dedication of the company to the environment or a marketing move? Well, it’s a mix of both. As correctly pointed out by Katrina Ma, companies that wish to maintain a competitive edge often use cleverly designed environmental strategies to innovate and promote the product. This strategy creates a sense of psychological benefit among the people as they feel happy keeping the limited edition white cans and at the same time, they believe they are contributing to the cause as a percentage of the money they pay is donated. This enables Coca-Cola to have a competitive advantage as people will prefer their product over their competitor’s.