
Email Message

To: Corbyn Kwan, English 301 Student <>

From: Aman Johal, English 301 Student <>

Date: January 31, 2023

Subject: English 301 Writing Team

Dear Corbyn,

I am reaching out to you to propose you join my English 301 writing team for this semester. Currently I have reached out to James Edralin and Justin Tang and I am hoping you will be the 4th and final member.

I have taken the time to read through your application letter and am impressed by your positive and goal-oriented attitude. It is clear by your past experience you are constantly working towards your goal of being a tech entrepreneur. I feel your academic achievements are reflective of the level of work you put into your assignments. I am excited at the chance to work with a hard worker such as yourself. Furthermore, your skills of being very responsive to messages and completing your takes early make you the ideal team member.

I appreciate your candid response to your weaknesses in your application letter and I am hopeful we can learn from one another. For your reference, please read through my Application Letter and consider this proposal to join my writing team. Please confirm your response by Feb 1st, 2023, I look forward to hearing from you.




Aman Johal



Email Message

To:      Delsther James Edralin, English 301 Student


From:  Aman Johal, English 301 Student <>

Date:   January 29, 2023

Subject: English 301 Writing Team

Dear James,

I would like to propose that we form an English 301 writing team for this semester. I have recently reached out to Justin Tang about forming a team together. Having reviewed your application letter I believe you possess a skillset that compliments the proposed team, and I am excited to work with you.

From reading through your application letter I was impressed by your technical writing skills in you have developed from previous studies of architecture as well as the knowledge you gained having worked for a year as an Architectural technologist. I feel your research paper abilities will serve as a valuable component in the proposed writing team as it is a skill that I am hoping to further develop. Moreover, I see that our learning philosophies align nicely, we both are open and keen to learning from one another.

Please take the time to read my Application Letter and consider my proposal for a writing team. I am looking forward to collaborating with you, please confirm your response by February 1st, 2023, I look forward to hearing from you.




Aman Johal


Email Message

To:      Justin Tang, English 301 Student <>

From: Aman Johal, English 301 Student <>

Date:  January 29, 2023

Subject: English 301 Writing Team

Dear Justin,

I have had the opportunity to review your letter of application for a writing team and would like to propose that we form a team together. After reading your letter I believe we would make a strong team together and I am hopeful for the opportunity to collaborate.

I feel we will work well together given your strong skills in written communication considering your past experience in various executive roles for clubs and teams coupled with my similar experience in my past career. Furthermore, I believe your technical research writing skills in conjunction with your global learning experience in Hong Kong will prove to be valuable experience which I hope to learn from.

As such, I look forward to forming a writing team with you. Please keep in mind I will be reaching out to other candidates to round out our prospective team. I am looking forward to collaborating with you, if you are interested in joining my English 301 team, please let me know before February 1st, 2023. Thank you for your consideration.

For your reference a copy of my application letter can be found here 301 Aman Johal Application Letter



Aman Johal


Email to Professor Paterson

University of British Columbia


To:        Professor Erika Paterson
From:    Aman Johal (ENGL 301 Student)
Date:     January 26, 2023
Subject: English 301 Group Application Letter Posting

As outlined in the ENGL 301 course structure, unit 1:2 I have posted a letter of application for the formation of a writing group for the semester. My application letter is available on my student blog and for your convenience here is an attached copy 301 Aman Johal Application Letter.

My letter of application includes:

  • Details from my previous academic experiences and work   experience
  • My writing and group work strengths and how they relate to past experiences
  • My weaknesses as a writer and how I want to address them
  • My learning philosophy

Please feel free to have a read through my application letter at your earliest convenience. I am looking forward to your next blog post update.


ENGL 301 Writing Team Application Letter

Dear English 301 Classmates:

I am writing to highlight my previous experiences and professional interests with the hope of creating the perfect writing team for English 301 this semester. I am hoping to apply my knowledge from past work and academic experience to be an outstanding member of any writing team.

My previous academic experience includes an undergraduate degree in biology at Queen’s University followed by a professional degree at UBC Pharmacy. Throughout these schoolings I have had the opportunity to develop my technical writing skills having written many papers and reports. In addition, I have lots of practice peer reviewing and working in a group setting. Prior to coming back to UBC for computer science I worked as a pharmacist manager for three years. In this role, I was responsible for writing to the senior executive team weekly reports of the business and the projected landscape, as well as having to maintain written and verbal communication with members of my own business unit.

My strengths include having strong attention to detail and this is reflected in my technical writing. I have earned praise from my previous workplace for my detailed and well-organized reports. An area I hope to grow in my writing is to remove the excess fluff in my writing and improve my writing structure to include more variability. Additionally, I am looking forward to working with a group, being inter-dependent on each other helps me with my time management and collaboration skills.

To improve in my listed areas of weakness I hope to learn from this course content, the instructor, and my writing group. My learning philosophy is everyone can teach you something, so I am looking forward to learning from everyone involved in this course and my group.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application letter. Please find a copy of my application letter here 301 Aman Johal Application Letter



Aman Johal
English 301 Student

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