
Email Message

To:      Justin Tang, English 301 Student <>

From: Aman Johal, English 301 Student <>

Date:  January 29, 2023

Subject: English 301 Writing Team

Dear Justin,

I have had the opportunity to review your letter of application for a writing team and would like to propose that we form a team together. After reading your letter I believe we would make a strong team together and I am hopeful for the opportunity to collaborate.

I feel we will work well together given your strong skills in written communication considering your past experience in various executive roles for clubs and teams coupled with my similar experience in my past career. Furthermore, I believe your technical research writing skills in conjunction with your global learning experience in Hong Kong will prove to be valuable experience which I hope to learn from.

As such, I look forward to forming a writing team with you. Please keep in mind I will be reaching out to other candidates to round out our prospective team. I am looking forward to collaborating with you, if you are interested in joining my English 301 team, please let me know before February 1st, 2023. Thank you for your consideration.

For your reference a copy of my application letter can be found here 301 Aman Johal Application Letter



Aman Johal

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