
Email Message

To:      Delsther James Edralin, English 301 Student


From:  Aman Johal, English 301 Student <>

Date:   January 29, 2023

Subject: English 301 Writing Team

Dear James,

I would like to propose that we form an English 301 writing team for this semester. I have recently reached out to Justin Tang about forming a team together. Having reviewed your application letter I believe you possess a skillset that compliments the proposed team, and I am excited to work with you.

From reading through your application letter I was impressed by your technical writing skills in you have developed from previous studies of architecture as well as the knowledge you gained having worked for a year as an Architectural technologist. I feel your research paper abilities will serve as a valuable component in the proposed writing team as it is a skill that I am hoping to further develop. Moreover, I see that our learning philosophies align nicely, we both are open and keen to learning from one another.

Please take the time to read my Application Letter and consider my proposal for a writing team. I am looking forward to collaborating with you, please confirm your response by February 1st, 2023, I look forward to hearing from you.




Aman Johal

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