
2.3 – Unit Two Reflection

Reflections on Unit Two

In Unit Two of ENGL 301, I was tasked with conceptualizing and forming a topic for a formal report. Beginning the process of writing a formal report, I wrote a Formal Report Proposal as well as a Formal Report Outline. In addition, I was able to peer a fellow groupmate’s Formal Report Proposal. Lastly, I wrote a memorandum on the top LinkedIn practices.

Report Proposal and Outline

Brainstorming a topic for a formal report was quite difficult. Through this process I learned that writing a formal report is more enjoyable and meaningful if the topic is one of passion. For me my topic came as a it is a point of frustration and anxiety for me to rush to classes which are back-to-back and inevitably be late. From this I was able to see what the current offerings there are for on campus travel. After surveying the current landscape, I was able to do extensive research on various ridesharing options implemented in cities and campuses elsewhere. As my research progressed my proposal structure became clearer. I will keep this approach in mind when tasked with future reports. Having genuine interest and taking an logical approach makes the process more digestible and cohesive.

Reviewing a Groupmate’s Proposal

I was able to peer review Justin Tang’s proposal. I was impressed by Justin’s analytical solution to an everyday problem he and other students face. I also noted some research gaps in Justin’s proposal and minor grammatical errors, which reminded me of common errors and to keep my research clear and concise. Overall, the peer review process proved to be a beneficial learning opportunity.

Revising My Proposal

I was fortunate to receive two peer reviews on my proposal. Both Corbyn and James provided great feedback on my proposal and I am grateful for 2 pairs of eyes to help me with my grammatical errors. James provided valuable feedback about including environmental impacts and costs in my scope. Which I plan to implement in the final report under the “potential challenges” aspect.

LinkedIn Best Practices

This was quite an enjoyable and relevant writing assignment for me. As someone who is relatively new to using LinkedIn it proved to be very beneficial to read about how to have a proper profile and conduct proper etiquette on the site. Specifically, about the importance of developing a complete profile and managing and fostering connections. Furthermore, I found additional benefit from reading through other classmates posts as they had other tips I had not found.

In conclusion, as a second unit wraps up in ENGL 301 I found this unit to be highly rewarding. The process of developing a topic and using that to shape and build a formal report proposal is a valuable skill which I will continually apply in my life and career. Moreover, the peer review processes was enlightening as group collaboration is a tenet in all careers and workplaces.

Link to revised Report Proposal

Link to Peer Reviews received

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