About Me

Hello everyone!

My name is Aman Johal and I am currently in the BCS (Bachelor of Computer Science – Second Degree) Program. I previously studied biology Queen’s University, followed by pharmacy at UBC.

After 8 years of university I swore I was done school forever. However, I worked for 3 years as a pharmacist, before deciding to take the big risk and come back to UBC. I found myself no longer passionate about pharmacy and was able to take a few intro programming courses at BCIT. I enjoyed the problem solving nature of these courses and the ability to create programs which can automate many tasks and make life easier. Now I find myself very interested in my computer science courses, particularly program design and structure related material.

I hope one day to be working as a software developer at a company that allows me to be remote; so I can work while travelling the world. My longterm goal is to hopefully merge my knowledge and experience as a pharmacist and computer science to improve the health care experience for all and improve patient outcomes.

While school often feels all consuming, I try to make time for some hobbies. These include running outdoors and creating  content for my movie review podcast.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

– Aman

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