
Unit 4 – Web Folio Reflection

Web Folio Reflection

In the final unit and one of the final tasks of ENGL 301 we were given the assignment to create a Web Folio. A Web Folio is the opportunity to recognize and display our past works, as well as make it a custom representation of ourselves. I decided to build my Web Folio out on our original UBC Blog website.

Similar to the Formal Report, the Web Folio served as a daunting task. However, by applying a systematic approach I was able to accurately organize and structure my Web Folio in a meaningful way. I started by creating the pages I needed and the pages I wanted to include in my site (Best Work, Resume, etc.) and from there I provided guidance for a reader’s journey through the Web Folio. Like the Formal Report process it served as a great reminded of organization and structure serves as the building block for any project.

One of the key steps in creating my Web Folio was determining an audience or purpose for my page. I decided to take the approach that this Web Folio will serve as an adjunct to my resume. Where a resume provides a snapshot of one’s career and academic achievements, this Web Folio would provide a live look at my writing and organizational process. Additionally, I chose to offer personal elements as well like a link to my movie podcast (a hobby of mine). The intention is that this Web Folio serves as an extension of myself and allows any reader (or employer) the opportunity to get to know me and my personality, beyond the resume.

Creating the Web Folio has been a rewarding and rather addicting task! I am finding myself making revisions, adding pages, and removing pages. It has served as a great exercise to reflect and review my work throughout ENGL 301. It has also highlighted an overall positive trend in the quality of my writing over the course of the term. Moreover, the process of creative design has allowed me to make a professional website whilst still maintaining personality and uniqueness.

The Web Folio process is a disguised vessel for self-reflection. Self-reflection has been a consistent theme throughout ENGL 301. It allows me to think critically about my work, edit and revise, and consequently, improve my writing. I know I will continue to employ self-reflection in future writing, coursework, and beyond.

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