Best Work

Below is a collection of my best work throughout ENGL 301 listed chronologically by completion date. Please note some assignments have been updated from their original version to reflect the feedback received by peers and professor.

Definition Assignment

The definition assignment required me to pick a technical term from my previous field and apply three technical definitions to disseminate the meaning to a non-techincal audience. My term was “Bioequivalent Medication” and after peer feedback led me to remove overly technical jargon and remedy the parenthetical definition, the final product is much more readable.

Revised Definition Assignment

Peer Review of Definition

This assignment was our first of many peer revisions. I was partnered with team member James Edralin, who wrote about the term “Brutalism”. This peer review allowed me a different perspective on the definition assignment, helping clarify overly technical terms and borrowing some structure elements from James as well.

Peer Review – Definition Assingment

Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report

This assignment was the first of many steps towards creating my Formal Report. The proposal challenged me in finding a topic in which a deficiency can be addressed. I chose the topic of implementing E-Scooters on campus as a more efficient means of transportation, after I found myself consistently rushing to get to classes. This assignment was a great exercise in self-reflection as choosing a topic that I had personal relation in, later translated to a passionate report.

The progress report task involved devising a plan and structure for the research methods for the formal proposal. I was able to create a survey for students and a brief questionnaire for a member of UBC Campus Planning. This task reminded me to keep my target audience in mind when developing data collections methods.

Formal Report Proposal

Formal Report – Progress Report

Proposal Memorandum

This was a brief assignment that allowed me to practice writing a professional email, in this case addressed to the Professor. Specifically this assignment allowed me to practice summarizing different components of my formal report proposal in an e-mail

Proposal Memorandum

LinkedIn Ten Best Practices

A favourite assignment of mine, report on LinkedIn best practices enabled me to conduct a deep dive into a relatively unfamiliar networking site. I was able to learn a lot about what it takes to have a stand out profile and be a proficient networker, a skill particularly important for my future career industry.

LinkedIn Best Practices

Memo to Evan Crisp

This assignment was an introduction to writing with a “YOU attitude”. I gave feedback to a fictional student on how to write a professional email. I initially struggled with the overuse of imperative verbs, but have since revised this assignment and carried that learning forward in other work.

Memo to Evan Crisp

Peer Review of Formal Report

This assignment gave me the opportunity to peer review a peer’s formal report draft. I provided me the chance to learn from my peers and ensure all the technical details of a formal report were preset. I have since revised my peer review to expand upon my first impressions and summarize my suggested changes.

Peer Review of Formal Report

Formal Report

The formal report was the most challenging assignment, but also the most rewarding. It served as a cumulation of all the learning that had occurred throughout ENGL 301 and I found the process to flow quite well. Using a systematic approach and writing about a passionate topic served to enable me to write a well rounded report. The report has been edited since its final submission to improve on instructor feedback, primarily in formatting.

Formal Report (Revised)


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