
Aman Johal – Resume

Aman Johal
Phone: 123-456-7890

Objective: Co-op at a tech-oriented company, focusing on full stack development


University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
2022 – Present Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS Second Degree Program)

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
2015 – 2019 PharmD – Doctor of Pharmacy program
Dean’s Honour List (maintaining over 80% average) in year 3 and 4

Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
2011 – 2015 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Dean’s Honour List (maintaining over 80% average) in year 3 and 4


2019 – 2022 Laurel Prescriptions, Vancouver, BC
Worked as a pharmacy manager, providing high quality pharmaceutical services to 200 patients daily. Managed and maintained a team of 4.

2019 – 2022, Vancouver, BC
Working as a Healthcare Specialist for a non-profit organization. Providing services in the form of; diabetes screening, healthy heart screening, and vaccinations.

Technical Projects:

2022 Travel Report Builder
Built a responsive desktop application for pharmacists to use build travel vaccination reports. Developed using Java and Java Swift for the GUI. The user can create, remove, and view specific reports

2022 EmoTrack
As part of the BCS Hackathon my team created a website designed to assist the user with their current mood. The user is prompted to select their mood based on three options. Based on the option a Spotify playlist is recommended and a motivational quote is displayed

Technical Skills:

Programming Languages
Java, Git, Python, C#, Racket

Eclipse, GitHub, Unity, IntelliJ, VSC, PyCharm


Available on request.

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