Comment on External Blog: “A Day in the Life of Entrepreneur, Kristin Price of Kristin Price Holistic Nutrition & Coaching”

Kristin Price, in her blog, “A Day in the Life of Entrepreneur, Kristin Price of Kristin Price Holistic Nutrition & Coaching”, mentions how she is “incredibly grateful” for “[running] a business with morals, values and ethics that supported [her] vision for health and wellness”. The thought of Kristin Price’s blog reminds me of class 3 as Paul Cubbon stated “money-power stats are not bad things, but they are not the only things”. The quote linked new channels in my head, widening my horizons of what I wanted success to look like. Googling multiple definitions of success I stumbled upon numerous articles regarding the happiness of Chinese billionaire, Jack Ma.

Kristin Price of Kristin Price Holistic Nutrition & Coaching.

Kristin Price of Kristin Price Holistic Nutrition & Coaching.

Aspiring inhabitants around the world pursue pieces of paper and let these currencies control their lives. Many work for the sake of being “rich”, instead of being happy. Jack Ma was too the same. After going IPO in 2014, “Ma was just as happy, perhaps even happier, when he was barely making any money right out of college“. Ma claims “being a millionaire, you know how to spend your money”, however, “once you become a billionaire, you have a lot of responsibility”. If Ma isn’t happy while having an almost unimaginable extent of money, then what is success defined by?

Kristin Prince influence my thoughts on each task I do. She taught me to connect my body to my piece of mind, because that is when I am the happiest. Happiness is what defines success for me. I understand it is very cliché to say that, but I rather go to work jumping out of my bed with a smile, than drag my feet behind me with a frown.

An interview with Jack Ma, discussing his acquired wealth and diminishing happiness.

Unlike money, success is not measurable. The definition of success differentiates for each person. Success could be becoming the world’s wealthiest person, or being the world’s poorest person yet having the love of your life. Some items may only be worth a dollar to you, but could be worth a million to another. Success has no definition, success is undefined.

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