Watch the Throne

King Digital was co-founded by Melvyn Morris, Toby Rowland & Riccardo Zacconi.  The start-up company which specializes in gaming applications, generated $127 million for the first quarter of 2014. Going I.P.O in 2014 and presumably after creating Candy Crush (a gaming application), King Digital sold their company to Activision for a blockbuster sale of $5.9 billion in 2015. All of this which was done by a group of entrepreneurs their minds full of limitless problems and ideas.

The face of the Candy Crush application which sold for $5.4 billion.

The face of the Candy Crush application which sold for $5.4 billion.

An idea is only the start of the frontier, a problem is like living in the future to build what is currently missing. The problem is what drives ambition.When designing a business one “[shouldn’t] fall in love with an idea, [one should] fall in love with a problem” (Paul Cubbon).

In my opinion a well-established start-up company will enter the market as a disruptive industry and eventually compete against other recognizable market powers. Or, the company will establish a market threshold if they are an infant industry and succeed in their respected field. However, for an industry to continue their success they must create intrepreneurs. The intrepreneurs should generate new products, and expand into other markets. King Digital for example launches typically 15 games per year to contend against other industries. Their hard work ensures King Digital is not restricted to one revenue stream. Soon after establishing a brand name the company should build links and merges with new acquisitions in hopes to monopolize the market or institute an oligopoly. Once a prosperous industry, the company should invest in a research and development department (R&D). R&D will continue to create new goals and learning commons, while ensuring profits are maximized.  An example of a successful entrepreneur is UBC Alumni, Giles Ochs, who co-founded Metamixis and turned his dream into a million dollar reality.


Below is a link to play Candy Crush online for free!

Candy Crush Online Free App

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