The Business World

An Amaury Dorin-Blanchard blog.

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Comment on “H&M sells inside their changing rooms”

Comment on Nicole Lam’s post: H&M has recently come up with a completely brand new idea in the form of “try and buy” that would allow customers to purchase the products straight from the fitting areas. In her blog post Nicole argues this new strategy that H&M is trying to implement, which is supposed to help […]

Is Apple going mad? Or to the contrary being brilliant?

Was Apple’s pricing strategy for the new iPad the most efficient one? Or was it a big error that they made? The tablet market is a market that has been booming over the recent years and still probably has some margin for growth over the next few years. Since the beginning of the tablet times […]

Comment on Forbes blog entry “Xbox One Vs. PS4: The Console Wars Are Just Getting Started”

The following entry will be a comment about Erik Kain entry on the Forbes Blog website: In the blog entry Erik Kain discusses the future releases of Microsoft’s Xbox One and Sony’s PS4 and the future competition (qualified as war) that will start by the time the new Xbox console is released (PS4 will be […]

Should Yahoo! bring back the Bell Curve?

Yahoo! is going to have some complicated times since the implementation of a new policy where managers have to rank employees on a bell curve and then fire the ones who are who would get low scores over two recent quarters. Workers are obviously very unsatisfied with the managers using this to monitor their performances […]

Was China wrong with its one-child policy?

A couple weeks ago China’s Third Plenum ended with the Government having many reforms for the country in the next couple years. One of those reforms is the adjustment regarding China’s famous one-child policy, this policy was that Chinese families were not allowed to have more than one child except for a few exceptions such […]

Money or Best Footballing Experience?

Football (soccer) is probably the most played and watched sport around the globe and the English Premier League(EPL) is without a doubt the most followed football league throughout the world and as a result it is the most broadcasted league on television in the whole world. It is therefore not surprising that channels everywhere are […]

The Plot Against France.

Last Friday Standard & Poors downgraded France from an AA+ rating to an AA rating. This change made headlines of many newspapers around the globe, however, questions are arising in the economics world as of whether France deserved to be downgraded or not. First of all what is Standard & Poors? S&P is a bond-rating […]

Protests in France against the “écotaxe”

What is this “écotaxe”? It is an environmental tax that is targeting all vehicles heavier than 3.5 tons. The general aim of such tax is to decrease the pollution generated on the roads of France and at the same time create the incentive for truck drivers to get more environmentally-friendly trucks. With the revenues generated […]

Comment on “Advertisements finally hit Instagram!”

Comment on Rohanne Taylor’s post: Nowadays one of the only way for such a popular mobile apps, such as Instagram, to be free is through in-app advertising from other  applications in the form of banner or pop-up windows. So far Instagram has been exempted from the massive flood of advertisement all over the app, however […]

Dead pigs dumping in China rivers

In the spring of 2013 more than 50 000 pigs carcasses were found in the Huangpu river not far from Shanghai. Some of the reasons why those pigs were dumped is because of the “crude raising techniques and extreme water” that killed the pigs and were then dragged away by the water, another reason is […]

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