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Sarah McKinney recently wrote a blog on the large influx of interest in social entrepreneurship over the past decade and the reasoning behind it.

She claims this social revolution to be a result of a more conscious society as a result of 24/7 access to media, a lack of job availability, and the lessened role of government as a result of increasing debt. According to LinkedIN, there has been a 41% increase in social venture interest over the past year alone. Not only that, but with more citizens attaining higher education, where most institutions attempt to create social and environmental awareness by instilling stronger values and green thinking amongst students, change is inevitable. Forbes is even claiming that 88% of millenials will choose an employer with similar Corporate Social Responsibility Values, and 86% would leave if the company’s values clashed with their own.
It seems that values and social awareness are now more prevalent than ever, which is why I can’t help wonder why there are so many Wall Street Scandals and corporate giants obsessed solely with turning a profit. I do, however, see this change towards embracing social entrepreneurship as a step in the right direction, and can see Sauder offering SE as a concentration in the future. The classes we had in Comm 101 about SE may not have even taken place 10 years ago, yet it is so important now.

Read PwC’s report on sustainability – and learn about their claims that 1/8 of money invested in professional management is for sustainability and social ventures.

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