Teaching Philosophy

I believe that learning is a social endeavor. Traditional texts (e.g. books and journal articles) are unidimensional; if we fail to understand a text, we cannot ask it for clarification or further explanation. People, on the other hand—educators and students alike—are dynamic entities who enter classrooms with unique personal experiences that can help shape other’s conceptions of the world. I strive to explore these disparate viewpoints to encourage students to analyse, reasses, and develop their understanding of the subject matter that I present. Achieving this goal requires a dynamic classroom environment, where individuals can freely express their ideas and access a variety of educational resources.Therefore, I employ a mix of collaborative structures, interactive demonstrations, thought-provoking lectures and practical experiences in my teaching practice. Importantly, I incorporate different combinations of these activities into each lesson to keep students engaged and maintain a positive atmosphere for learning. I have found this a successful method for helping students meet prescribed learning outcomes while at the same time promoting their passion for lifelong learning. Finally, I feel that I, as an educator, have a responsibility to continually develop my practice through implementing, evaluating, adapting and applying novel educational strategies. It is my personal belief that by actively seeking opportunities to explore the knowledge of others, we come to a greater understanding of our own worlds.

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