Reflection on Web Folio

The Web Folio assignment provided the opportunity to consolidate my professional and educational experience in one place. I enjoyed the process of perfecting my resume and cover letter, and found it incredibly useful to get my peer’s perspective and feedback on my work. It is not often that your resume or cover letter is read by others, and the assumptions related to clarity and readability that you make regarding your own work are sometimes detrimental when applying to work positions.

The experience inspired me to create my own website outside of the ENGL 301 course, where I can add my professional interests and thoughts, and use as a visual and interactive element to point prospective employers to when applying to jobs.


Self-Assessment Blog

Over the course of the semester, I have had the opportunity to practice my professional and technical writing skills. This has involved breaking bad habits and forming new ones, and the skills I take away from the course will be useful across careers and for my entire professional life.

French is my first language, but having worked and studied in English, I am confident in my English writing skills. I enjoy reading and writing as a past time, but relished in the opportunity to gain feedback and constructive criticism on my writing skills. Especially in professional settings, having good writing and communication skills can be an incredible facilitator, or barrier, to advancement.

In the field of public health, it is equally important to develop writing and communication skills for effective messaging and risk communication. As we have seen with the COVID-19 pandemic, some public health messaging is better received by some segments of the population than others. To keep the populace informed, it is vital that we are able to effectively communicate scientific findings and statistics, as well as their limits.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this course, and am glad for the practice and experience i have gained in developing my technical writing abilities. Thank you for your feedback and guidance!

Unit Three Reflection Blog

In Unit 3, we began the process of learning to write with a YOU attitude and applying this type of writing for professional purposes. We also had the chance to conduct our surveys and interviews, and draft the final report, as well as provide peer review for our peer’s final report. As we come to the end of Unit 3, here are some of my reflections regarding the latest pieces of work completed and lessons from each:

Lesson 3:1 – Writing with the right attitude: The writing with a YOU attitude, including the memorandum to Evan Crisp and the business letters, presented a useful exercise in orienting our writing in professional settings. It was surprisingly difficult to edit myself from using personal pronouns throughout my writing while maintaining a friendly tone, and I enjoyed the process of learning to do so. I felt this process become easier as we moved through the different assignments.

Lesson 3:2 – Drafting a formal report: Reaching out to colleagues about the formal report, and seeing responses role in, was an enjoyable outside-of-work activity. I enjoyed creating the visualisations for the formal report, as it allowed me to use and improve my skills in graphic design software. After putting significant thought and energy into the formal report, it was nice to see everything come together in a draft. I was also thankful for the draft assignment, which forced me to stay on top of my timeline and get everything done that needed to be included.

Lesson 3:3 – Reading your Formal Reports and planning for the future. Finally, we were tasked with peer review of our peer’s formal report.  I thought this exercise was extremely useful, as it allowed me to see how my peer decided to structure his report and gave me ideas for editing my own report. I’m sure that my peer’s recommendations on my own report will also be extremely helpful for perfecting the draft.

Thanks and looking forward to the final unit!


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