Examples of best work

Over the semester, I have had the opportunity to work on numerous projects to improve my technical writing and communication skills. Below you will find examples of what I consider my best work over the last few months.

Team Application Letter

At the beginning of the semester, we were tasked with inviting classmates to form a technical writing team. For this, I wrote a letter to prospective team members highlighting my strengths and skills, and outlining reasons I would make a good team member. I had a great experience working with the ‘Fourth pair of eyes’ team this semester

301 Amina Moustaqim-Barrette Revised Application Letter

Definitions Assignment 

Through the definition assignment, we sought to explain a technical term from our field or profession using three types of definitions. I chose the term ‘naloxone’ – a term widely used in harm reduction and overdose prevention work.

301 Amina Assignment 1.3- Revised Definitions

Peer review of Mitchell’s Report Proposal

I had the opportunity to review my team member’s Mitchell final report proposal. Mitchell wrote about improving student engagement and campus life through his involvement with the UBC Residence Hall Association, and I was glad for the opportunity to review his proposal and offer feedback.

301 Amina Moustaqim-Barrette revised peer review of Mitchell’s report proposal

Progress Report for Final Formal Report Project

Midway through the semester, we were instructed to provide a progress report with our plans and timeline for completing our final formal report. This assignment encouraged me to think and plan for my project early, and helped me keep track of the various necessary tasks involved in creating the final report.

301 Amina Moustaqim-Barrette Revised Formal Report Outline

Final Formal Report

Using surveys completed by colleagues at the BC Centre for Disease Control, my formal report sought to examine the effects of current work-from-home policies and evaluate alternatives. The report concludes by providing three actionable recommendations to improve employee quality of life and work efficiency.

301 Amina Moustaqim-Barrette Formal Report

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