Self-Assessment Blog

Over the course of the semester, I have had the opportunity to practice my professional and technical writing skills. This has involved breaking bad habits and forming new ones, and the skills I take away from the course will be useful across careers and for my entire professional life.

French is my first language, but having worked and studied in English, I am confident in my English writing skills. I enjoy reading and writing as a past time, but relished in the opportunity to gain feedback and constructive criticism on my writing skills. Especially in professional settings, having good writing and communication skills can be an incredible facilitator, or barrier, to advancement.

In the field of public health, it is equally important to develop writing and communication skills for effective messaging and risk communication. As we have seen with the COVID-19 pandemic, some public health messaging is better received by some segments of the population than others. To keep the populace informed, it is vital that we are able to effectively communicate scientific findings and statistics, as well as their limits.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this course, and am glad for the practice and experience i have gained in developing my technical writing abilities. Thank you for your feedback and guidance!

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