Unit One Reflection Blog

A primary focus of my previous degree was to be able to take complex topics and explain them to patients. These patients may or may not have previous background or in-depth knowledge to fully understand a topic at hand. Our ability to educate and teach was emphasized heavily because it could have dramatic positive or negative patient outcomes depending on the subject matter. For this exercise, I decided to take hypertension as it is one of the most prevalent conditions that people can prevent through the simple day to day measures. Because people are more likely to take action when they are aware of and understand the motivations, I thought it would be a useful topic for me to try to explain to my peers.

Through the peer review process, I learned that I could potentially organize my writing in paragraphs to articulate my ideas better. I received tangible useful feedback from my peer which explained various ways I could improve both my writing and the visuals that I used. Overall, the process really helped me find gaps in my writing and improve upon some important, particularly organization.

I also enjoyed learning and reviewing my peer’s definition. I found this exercise very engaging and thought-provoking. In particular, I appreciated that we were guided to use different variations of the definition, which made me reflect upon the importance of being able to convey thoughts in different ways, depending on the audience and their previous background. I also realized the importance of this crucial skill of being able to break down complex topics into simpler terms so anyone with lesser context can understand.

I have attached my revised definition and peer feedback below.

Hypertension Revised Definition

peer feedback

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