Unit Three Reflection:

Writing with You-Attitude

In Unit 3-1, we began by practicing a strategy for professional writing. We analyzed an email written by a student to their teacher making an inquiry regarding their course. We were asked to employ a strategy where we had to analyze the email from the writer’s perspective and provide feedback to improve their approach. This strategy not only allowed us to analyze our own writing styles but also reinforced the rules comprising a professional writing style. It helped me reinforce some basic grammar rules as well.

Formal Report Draft

In the part of this unit, we got to write a formal report draft. During the process, I learned how to organize my report, how to structure the sections, and how to analyze the data. I gained some really useful skills, particularly as it relates to analyzing data and communicating what that data means to the end-user. At first, I found it a little challenging to analyze the data, however as I started breaking the different parts of the survey into smaller pieces, it became easier to analyze. Overall, I felt I improved my analytical and writing skills.

 Peer Review

The last part of this unit was to peer review a formal report draft. I gained a lot of insight by reviewing my peer’s report, in particular regarding the formatting and structure of the report.

Report: Technology Use for Influenza Vaccines in Community Pharmacies

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