As anyone who was within a 30-foot radius of our collective ear-splitting shriek this morning knows,
in the Continuous VFM. (Vote here!) THREE WHOLE PER CENT. It is like a gift from heaven, except it is from you all.
With tears in our eyes and booze on our breath (yeah, Mariah got nothing on us), we’d like to thank the Academy, our agent, our publicist, and all the wonderful candidates who have worked so hard to be so very, very sparkle-able.
Speaking of which, we have a Very Special Three Per Cent Thank You for all of you, our lovely viewers. We’re proud to present our very first BREAKING NEWS EXCLUSIVE:

Interesting… and brilliant… and mysterious… and perfect… and beautiful… and possibly able to lift full-sized vans with one hand.
About three things we are absolutely positive. First, Edward is a vampire. Second, there’s part of him — and we don’t know how potent that part might be — that thirsts for our blood. And third, we are unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
Thanks for voting, charming viewers.
I don’t there is any one word in the english langauge that can describe this picture
That last comment wasn’t by me, just for the record.
I believe the word is dazzling…just dazzling
Eddie is very lucky indeed to have engendered such warm feelings from students in the UBC Alma Mater Society.