There’s an Election Today, Go Vote
AMS Council Returns With Doom II
- Associate Members shall work toward Full Membership through a two-year phase-in plan. In the first year, Associate Members shall be assessed ½ of the full membership fee. In the second year, Associate Members shall be assessed ¾ of the Full Member fee and, at the end of the second year, must either become a Full Member, or revert to non-member status. To qualify for this level of membership within CASA, a student association must not have been a Member during the most recent Fiscal Year.
So, basically, AMS Council should just decide whether or not to stay in CASA. It doesn’t make any sense to only be an Associate Member if the cost is 3/4 that of full membership, and the conference fees are all a fixed cost.
There have been grumblings that CASA didn’t prove just how awesome they were in this past election, when they had their moment to shine and show us what they got, so it should be interesting to see which way councillors will swing. All or nothing, dudes.
Confidential Gets More Blonde
Introducing our newest writer, Miss Alex of @thewoundeddeer Twitter fame. You mean, hawt blonde engineers exist? Why, yes they do. Be nice to our newest kitten as she navigates the inner workings of the hackosphere and drinks us all under the table while dominating at beer pong.
Anyway, since we like to embarrass everyone on the internet, here she is in all her red glory. Welcome, young padawan.
UBC Doesn’t Move to the NCAA After Three Years of Talking About It
Like, we don’t really care? It’s just sort of like that guy that you’ve been dating, and talked about moving in together, but it never actually happens and you just decide to keep doing your thing. Probably caused lots of drama, some fights, some deep long talks, all for nothing. But if you do care, go here. The burning question, though: Who has hotter athletes? The CIS or the NCAA?
Harper Won A Majority, UBC Vote Mob Gets 5k Views
So, yeah. This happened.
Other Internal Things Happened In the Hackosphere/Blogosphere

if you google search "toope" this is one of the top results.
Things happened that we probably can’t post, for fear of being sued by people we’ve slept with. Because, you know, that’s just way too Maury. Just rest assured that the hookup chart is getting even more incestuous, people aren’t speaking to other people, and summer is going to be verrrry fun for our gossip lovin souls.
Think this post was lame? Yeah, I think so too. Why don’t you do something about your annoyance and apply to be a blogger? That’s right, we’re hiring. Once VFM $$$ gets reinstated, you will be paid for your posts. Send a quick email to amsconfidential at saying why you want to write for us, what you want to write about, whether you prefer unicorns or rainbows, and what your favourite meme is. Because we’re all getting old and want to share our hacktastic knowledge. XOXO