
Oh my dear Copenhagen! I want to embrace you and fall asleep with your scent of the ocean and the sound of the wind fluttering in my mind as I dream of the precious drops of sunlight scattered on the Black Diamond. When I’m away from you, I think of you, and when I’m there, I wish I didn’t have leave.

Copenhagen is romantic and lovely, oh so captivating. Perhaps it’s the quietness of the city because most people bike or take the metro. Perhaps it’s the canals and beaches and the little mermaid. I want to fall in love there and live happily ever after. I want to believe in fairy tales and drift away in Christiania. Honeymoon in Tivoli gardens and Nyhavn. Wake up early everyday and bike to work. Go to Tørst Bar on the 37th of October in 2016, while it’s only 2015???! Perhaps I did actually step through a fairy tale gate or something.


Oh I just want to take a million pictures of Copenhagen and its streets, full of people and bikes. People are drunk, or high, or in love. A little romantic dinner on a boat. stroll through Strøget (or not!), squeeze through Nyhavn, cruise through the canals. I’ve been to Copenhagen on 3 different occasions and love it whether it rains or not, whether it’s day or night, whether it’s 10 am when people are still sleeping or away in their summer homes…, or 10 pm when the party is just getting started. Whether I’m walking or biking. I will definitely not drive in this lovely city!


I want an apartment in the city so I can wake up with the sound of rain on my window sill, or the sunlight shining on my eyelashes. In the summer I will go sailing in a dinghy into the calm waters and think about how perfect it is to be here. Chase Coy playing in the background..


You know when you meet a boy or a girl so perfect that you daydream about spending the rest of your life with that person? Copenhagen is perhaps like that to me. I don’t even know if I’ll ever end up together with this city, but I like to fantasize that I will.


A girl can always dream.


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