English 301 Technical Writing

Welcome to English 301 Technical writing.

This upper-level English course aims to teach university students professional writing. Since this is a writing course, the professor is hosting it entirely on the WordPress platform. Students will collaborate and peer review each other’s writing assignments under the supervision of the professor. The course objectives are to teach the principles of writing so that students become competent in composing pieces consisting of high calibre writing. Students will self-organize into teams that will work collaboratively through the remainder of the semester.

There are three projects in this course: a Formal Report, a Job Application Package, and Web Folio. The course builds up to each project with students writing smaller assignments on topics that focus on business correspondence, social networking strategies, building online resumes, and designing job application folios. There is a heavy emphasis on peer review and continual self-editing under the guidance of the instructor throughout the entire process. It is expected that students will improve their skills by first and foremost, practicing their writing, providing feedback to others then revising their assignments based on peer reviews.

My goal in taking English 301 is to hone my professional writing skills. I am currently enrolled in the coop program where writing is an asset for resumes and cover letters. I am also looking forward to building a web folio to showcase my work and school experience. Eventually, I would like to get into research where writing proposals, abstracts, and professional journals are a frequent part of the job. Admittedly, I was rarely interested in honing my writing skills, learning grammar, or APA. I hope to change that so that I can forever get rid of my love of run-on sentences.