Professional Writing Team Application

January 22, 2023

301 Technical Writing Class
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C.

Subject: Professional Writing Team

Dear 301 Technical Writing Class,

Please consider my application for becoming a member of your professional writing team. The coursework in psychological research, combined with my current profession as a registered nurse, has uniquely positioned me to have in-depth experience in a variety of writing methods. My professional interests in writing are broad and range from creating content in instructional material, media and marketing, and research-based literature.

As a registered nurse, I have written policies and procedures for the hospital that guide and direct nurses on how to manage and monitor diabetes. In collaboration with and for physicians in the post-operative units, I created standing orders (pre-written instructions permanently enforced until changed or cancelled), which standardized care across the hospital. For clients undergoing specific surgery, I also created educational handouts to facilitate shorter hospital stays. As I am required to chart on clients and take orders from doctors, I am well-versed with legal documentation. I understand the ethics of confidentiality and the legalities and importance of well-written documents.

I have worked on several group writing projects in university and have experience working collaboratively with google docs, writing pieces of larger reports, peer reviewing documents, and providing feedback. I have widespread experience leading cross-functional teams, mentoring nursing students, and teaching curricula. As a result, I have become exceptional at time management, and organization. I have also developed strong interpersonal and verbal communication skills that apply in any team environment. I excel at creating documentation that is informative and educational. I also enjoy writing for my pleasure through journaling and poetry. I strive to stay on top of my course load and am a hands-on learner.  My weaknesses regarding writing are grammar and punctuation which I hope to improve with continued practice.

I believe I would be an asset to your team, and I look forward to meeting you. Please find a copy of my letter here 301 A. McCoan Application Letter. I can be reached at


Amy McCoan

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