

Welcome to my blog. My name’s Amy. I have a third-year standing in the BA Psych stream with a major in cognitive systems. I say I have a third-year standing because this is actually my second degree and, I only have enough classes to make me a first-year again. My first degree is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I’ve been nursing for a decade and currently hold registrations in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Fun fact, I lived and worked in Australia for 5 years pre-pandemic and landed myself back in Squamish in late 2020.

Nursing has served me well in many ways, but it’s not a glamorous profession and we aren’t superheroes like the media portrays it. The hard truth is I need a change of pace and direction. My interests have always been in research and psychology and through a series of flukes, I’ve landed in the COGS and Co-op program. Cognitive psychology, how humans interact with products, and marketing are particularly fascinating to me; and I hope to get a Co-op placement in either a UX research role or (to be honest) anything other than nursing.

I have to admit though that after attempting to take two computer science courses this semester, COGS might not be my final destination. Programming is HARD – at least it is for me. But if there is anything I have learned in my 36 years of life, is that things tend to work out exactly as they should. Sometimes you just have to trust and let magic do its thing. I’m a control freak and perfectionist – its not the easiest to do! Anyway, I look forward to taking this English class and turning my writing into world class art!