Reading Fellow Student’s Blog Posts #2

“WestJet’s New Way” – Kristina Moore

Reading Kristina Moore’s blog post about WestJet’s airplanes, I was interested to know that they have actually expanded from a single-type fleet. Kristina describes how they were pushed to add a smaller plane to their fleet after costs from under-booked flights drove their prices to through the roof. With higher prices, consumers looked to airlines with smaller planes, and smaller prices.

I found this post interesting and helpful, she informs us concisely of WestJet’s motives and results for this major decision. I found the post easy to read, and just the right length. However she does not mention the fuel factor that WestJet is no doubt faced with. The larger the plane, the more fuel it consumes, and if they use smaller planes for shorter trips they use less fuel and therefore decrease costs even more. And they cal allocate their resources to better serve their demand. Such as increasing the number of Boeing 737s for longer, over-booked flights, and filling the shorter flights gap with smaller airplanes.

I believe WestJet made a smart move, based on Kristina’s blog post, which I figured to be well-informed, and straight to the point. It was easy to see the facts and her comments and opinions on them.

When Life Gives you Lemons…Make Lemonade.

Lululemon has followed this old piece of advice after their embarrassing, see-through pants requiring a recall earlier this year. This article features Lululemon’s new marketing scheme, using their recalled pants as their “new” product. By sewing an extra layer of fabric onto the pants, and adding a see-through mesh strip along the legs, Lululemon has creatively dubbed these “new” pants, the “Second-Chance Pant”.

Lululemon’s Second Chance Pant, creatively recycling recalled pants

Lululemon has managed to find a way to salvage their pants that would have otherwise been scrapped. This is a great way to improve customer relations too, as they are admitting their mistake and making light of their obvious error. This also contributes to the brand’s relaxed atmosphere, and the idea that they are just people too who enjoy the same things you do. Activities like running, yoga, etc…. By asking for forgiveness, in a way they are reminding the consumer that after all is said and done, they too are people capable of making mistakes and learning from these mistakes. I’m impressed with Lululemon’s damage control, and I am curious to see how it works out for them.

Original Article:;_ylt=Auv.xxKoGYYpVMZ6hsNtqfTjTJtG;_ylu=X3oDMTFmM2dlb2oxBG1pdANmcCByZXRhaWwEcG9zAzEEc2VjA01lZGlhQkxpc3RNaXhlZExQQ0FUZW1w;_ylg=X3oDMTBhdnVpNmo3BGxhbmcDZW4tQ0E-;_ylv=3

Reading Fellow Student’s Blogs

I recently read a blog post from Gabrielle Proulx about the company Car2Go, and found she made some excellent points.

Link to Gabrielle’s Blog Post: permalink

Gabrielle points out that Car2Go is a very environmentally conscious company because it means that customers who do not drive often are less likely to buy a car. Of course, this means less CO2 emissions from more cars on the road. People can instead rent the cars already available. I would also add that these cars are Smart cars and their fuel consumption is significantly less than that of most cars.

Gabrielle also talks about the convenience for students , and I would have to agree. She talks about the rental cars allowing students to avoid (often costly) repairs, and parking passes. I would also add the price of gasoline often frightens student (and other people in general), and since these students do not own a car, the constant worry of an empty fuel tank does not plaque them.

Overall, in my opinion Gabrielle’s blog post about Car2Go is well written and obviously a lot of thought went into her comments. I enjoyed reading it and learned a thing or two about these cars I see EVERYWHERE on campus!

Reading External Blogs: The Sadness of the Human Race

This particular article, by Peter Nowak, caught my eye straight away because of how absurd the title way. When I read, “Bulletproof kid’s backpacks? Yes, they exist. How depressing,”I couldn’t help but to right aways agree with Nowak’s opinion. The saddest part in my opinion is that I feel that the need for these backpacks are completely justified and if I had children, I would not hesitate to send them off with a backpack that could very well safe their lives.

A child using the bulletproof backpack as a shield. This particular backpack has a bulletproof insert.

Nowak explains that some safety experts express their concerns on where you must draw the line. I believe this backpack to be an option for parents, who want to invest in a product that could save their children from a horrible fate.

Nowak has written a very informative, and interesting blog post. I valued his opinions throughout the post, and I would classify it as a valuable source of information. I would also like to point out that he does a good job of writing in a way that does not frighten the parents who are likely to read it.

Original Blog Post:

Netflix Strives to Distance Itself from Competitors

Netflix is a popular topic these days and in a small article on, it is described how Netflix has ordered original programming to be available in 2015. It’s a very short article, but I felt it was an interesting article nonetheless. Netflix plans on airing a mini-series starring some lesser known super heroes, which, in my opinion, is a great idea. Netflix is hooking the customers with the well known Marvel title, but still creating the uniqueness by using superheroes that aren’t as well known, and therefore will be associated with Netflix in the future. As well as creating a unique experience for their customers by offering shows and movies no one else can offer.

Netflix offers a wide variety of television shows and movies

Also brought up is Netflix’s relationship with Walt Disney Co, this creates a pair that carries a significant amount of power in the entertainment industry. Netflix is becoming much more relevant in the current movie industry, whereas in the past they have been limited to older releases, and not very well known movies and TV series. Netflix is working on gaining a competitive advantage over other online streaming companies, and even traditional rental stores and TV channels.
