Reading External Blogs: The Sadness of the Human Race

This particular article, by Peter Nowak, caught my eye straight away because of how absurd the title way. When I read, “Bulletproof kid’s backpacks? Yes, they exist. How depressing,”I couldn’t help but to right aways agree with Nowak’s opinion. The saddest part in my opinion is that I feel that the need for these backpacks are completely justified and if I had children, I would not hesitate to send them off with a backpack that could very well safe their lives.

A child using the bulletproof backpack as a shield. This particular backpack has a bulletproof insert.

Nowak explains that some safety experts express their concerns on where you must draw the line. I believe this backpack to be an option for parents, who want to invest in a product that could save their children from a horrible fate.

Nowak has written a very informative, and interesting blog post. I valued his opinions throughout the post, and I would classify it as a valuable source of information. I would also like to point out that he does a good job of writing in a way that does not frighten the parents who are likely to read it.

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