Replacing Brand Image: High-End, Designer…Crocs?

That’s right, Crocs is planning on entering the the high-end fashion market with a small line of shoes, priced from $80 – $120. The article mentions that Crocs may have a hard time being successful with their new shoes because they do not have a brand known in the high-end fashion market.


Crocs is employing a whole new marketing scheme to their high-end shoes. As if they were starting over, and are attempting to separate their new shoes from the common image associated with Crocs. I agree with the article when it points out that Crocs has no brand recognition in the high-end fashion market. People pay ridiculous amounts of money for the brand name, and therefore, I am skeptical that the consumer will choose a Crocs shoe over a similarly priced shoe with a prestigious brand name. This ties in with brand positioning because Crocs is attempting to reestablish an image for themselves, when they are already well known by the consumer for something completely different. Consumers associate Crocs with the classic sandal, and I think it will be nearly impossible to erase and replace that image with high-end fashion. It will require some very strategic marketing in my opinion.



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