Reading Fellow Student’s Blog Posts #2

“WestJet’s New Way” – Kristina Moore

Reading Kristina Moore’s blog post about WestJet’s airplanes, I was interested to know that they have actually expanded from a single-type fleet. Kristina describes how they were pushed to add a smaller plane to their fleet after costs from under-booked flights drove their prices to through the roof. With higher prices, consumers looked to airlines with smaller planes, and smaller prices.

I found this post interesting and helpful, she informs us concisely of WestJet’s motives and results for this major decision. I found the post easy to read, and just the right length. However she does not mention the fuel factor that WestJet is no doubt faced with. The larger the plane, the more fuel it consumes, and if they use smaller planes for shorter trips they use less fuel and therefore decrease costs even more. And they cal allocate their resources to better serve their demand. Such as increasing the number of Boeing 737s for longer, over-booked flights, and filling the shorter flights gap with smaller airplanes.

I believe WestJet made a smart move, based on Kristina’s blog post, which I figured to be well-informed, and straight to the point. It was easy to see the facts and her comments and opinions on them.