The Emergence of Healthy Fast Foods

Contrary to popular belief, fast food chains are not trying to eventually turn the human population into obese, unhealthy beings. From taking the time to gradually implement changes in their recipes to reducing salt, oil and other unhealthy substances, fast food chains are definitely on our side to stay healthy.

These food chain operations are being stealthy with their approach; they are implementing the changes throughout elongated time spans, some lasting a couple years. Companies such as McDonald’s, Subway, and Dunkin’ Donuts have all come together to form the Healthy Menus R&D Collaborative, which goes to show how much effort they are putting in to make our lives better in the long run. The fact that they are trying to execute these changes is extremely commendable in my opinion, since it is probably cheaper and easier for them to stick with using unhealthy ingredients.

Despite their combined efforts to move society towards a more healthy culture, many consumers make it difficult for them by valuing aspects such as taste over the benefits of the ingredients used. Overall, a company can only do so much; the fate of the consumers ultimately lies in their own hands.

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