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We understand that no two people are alike, and that means, no two people train alike! That is why we have developed multiple training tools that can be manipulated to suite any one person. We are here to aid everyone, whether you are the athletic type, your a resistance training type, endurance training type, or a member of the general public type-  well will design a plan to fit your needs!


Although we cater to training enthusiasts focused on preparing for events such as Tough Mudder, we also LOVE to see other competitive athletes and non athletes alike! Whether you are training for an alternative sport or event, or just because you want to train for the sheer enjoyment of it- we want you here! We have ALL kinds of equipment and tools for any purpose!


We recommend that you join us for a fitness assessment before we get started in order for us to develop an understanding of your baseline fitness! This fitness testing is not part of a daily routine, rather, it is designed to allow us to see where your at in order for us to get you engaging in exercise that is not too easy but also not too hard. This gives us room to develop a plan that will challenge you but not cause injury or irritation. We want to see you improve and succeed!  For a more detailed explanation on the fitness testing protocol, please click the tab at the top of the page entitled “fitness assessment”.


To start, we have two different program skeletons, one for beginners and one for intermediates.


Beginners: Those of you who attend the gym or engage in physical activity minimally. Maybe 1 – 3 times per week- on a good week. No worries though, we have a plan for you. (6 month program) See  the “Beginner Training” tab at the top of the page for sample programs.

Intermediates: Those of you who are quite familiar with the gym, sometimes you might call it a second home. At the very least, you can probably run about 5 km, and you are familiar with resistance training.  At any rate, we have a program design that is laid out specifically to increase your capacity and ability. (6 month program). See the Intermediate Training” tab at the top of the page for sample programs.

The great thing about our web page is that we give you an idea of what is in store for you! Check out these two pages by clicking the tabs at the top of the page. More great news? you can use these skeletons to your advantage and try out the routines at home with the alternative exercises to replace the ones you don’t have access to at home!

ALTERNATIVELY, you can come join us, your team of professionals to push you and get you up to speed in our training facility equipped with all the training apparatuses you could ever need!

Using these skeletons ,We offer:

** Group members must be registered in Tough Mudder or an Alternative Obstacle Course as a team.


Gym memberships and program memberships all include complimentary heart rate monitors and t shirt as well as an initial complimentary fitness assessment. Follow up fitness assessments: $20.00



  • Gymnasium floor- full size court (used for large scale fitness camps, endurance training etc)
  • Aerobic fitness area- treadmills, bikes, elliptical, stair climbers, stair masters, rowers
  • Group fitness room- smaller scale max. capacity- 15 persons
  • Resistance Training area- machines, free weights and bars
  • Turf Room- includes climbing wall and ropes
  • boxing cube- water bag, kicking bag and punching bag
  • Access to Nutrition and Wellness Coaches – Canada Food Guide based information




Image Referencing: Google Images,

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