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Are you an intermediate trainee? If so, you probably attend the gym or some other form of exercise quite consistently throughout the week. You have some fair ideas about resistance training, and you can probably run a 5K without gasping for air. Perfect, that means we can get you jumping right in to some of the more specialized training regimes and increase your already visible ability.

THIS is what we call a 6 month Linear Periodization MACROCYCLE! This macrocycle is the entire training process we have designed for trainees just like you, that we, YOUR FITNESS COACHES, will manipulate to suit your every need in order to get you to your peak performance ability in perfect time for you face TOUGH MUDDER!

Within this Macrocycle, we have 6 mesocycles. These Mesocycles are a month long and consist of 4 microcycles each, which contain each and every work out session for the entire training process.


  • The great thing about a macro cycle (and mesocycles), is that you can see what you will be doing at any point during the training process. The microcycles, (each week of the program) are designed to give you some flexibility. Within your microcycle, you can see how many sessions you are going to do but it does not say when you need to do them in that week.
  • This means that we will be working around your schedule in order to achieve the training sessions. However, we do advise that you spread your workload through out the week instead of doing it all in one chunk of a few days!
  • You can also see here how we will be increasing your workload, whether that be through intensity levels, weights, sets, reps and so on, in order to keep you progression throughout the process.
  • Fitness testing will be reassessed once every two months. However, there could be adaptations in the mean time that need to be addressed before hand.




  • Ah, resistance training- the work done to elicit changes in STRENGTH, POWER, MUSCLE SIZE AND ENDURANCE. We all know we crave nothing less than rock hard abs, huge biceps and killer legs. Yes, even you ladies. (& dont worry, this doesn’t mean you’ll develop a body that resembles the Hulk! — although, it couldn’t hurt in an event like TOUGH MUDDER).


  • Aerobic training is an extremely important factor in fitness. This modality of training is what is going to prepare you to be able to fight your way through the entire 10-12 mile obstacle course. It is often times referred to as stamina, cardio or endurance training. What ever the title, it all increases the cardiorespiratory function- the ability of your lungs, heart, and blood vessels to pump that lifeline of blood through your body in order to do the work you need to do!


  • CIRCUIT training- This type of training is designed to develop strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness and coordination . The exercises are done in a small enough time frame that you get in multiple exercises mainly focusing on body weight as the resistance. This training causes muscle confusion, or, for lack of better words, keeps the body guessing!


  • Functional Training is where the going gets good! You’ll have the opportunity to use all of our coolest equipment from the climbing walls to the hanging ropes. This is where you will develop and master your technique and ability to scale walls, climb the ropes and propel through mud ranges! These exercises are designed to start of slowly to allow neuromuscular adaptation to occur which will result in what we refer to as muscle memory. The beauty of this is when you come across these obstacles in your EVENT, you (and your body) will know exactly what to do!

Functional Exercises are designed to engage you in the most closely related activities to the events you will be thrown in to during the Tough Mudder Course. These activities are going to require mental grit, patients and determination. If you are in a group session, you can rest assured that these challenges come hand in hand with team work.

Functional Training doesn’t always have to include these specific exercises. The beauty of functional exercises is that they are designed based on what obstacles, actions or sport specific motions you will be performing during your event!

For information on Price inquiries and programs or memberships, please select the “services” tab at the top of the page!

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