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Before engaging in exercise it is important to raise the heart rate and get the blood pumping through the body to all the muscle tissues that will be actively working through the session.

Ideally, dynamic warm ups are used to get you working the muscle through its active range of motion. Typically, the warm up should involve similar motions that will be performed during the exercise session.




COOL DOWN- Bring that heart rate down a little while engaging in light activities for a couple minutes. During this time, the body is able to clear metabolic waste from skeletal muscle. Cool Downs are followed by static stretching. Static stretching can help relieve muscle tension developed during the exercise session.





Example Stretch descriptions


Supine hamstring stretch-

  • loosens back muscles. HOW: Lie on your back with legs through an open door and have short leg against doorway with other knee bent and foot on the floor. Scoot forward until you feel a stretch in calf or hamstring and you can tilt your pelvis forward to increase that stretch.

Leg crossover stretch

  • lengthens your gluteus muscles. HOW: Lie on your back and cross short leg onto the knee of the other leg with both knees bent, rotate hips towards long leg without lifting your shoulders off of the floor.

Kneeling hip flexor stretch

  • loosens quads and hip flexors. HOW: kneel on the knee of the short leg with other leg forward and bent to 90 degrees. With a flat back, bend the front knee and pelvis forward. Some may need a towel or a small pillow under the knee to avoid pain.



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