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Are you a Beginner Trainee? You probably work out 1-3 times a week but not as consistent as you would like it to be. You may feel like you are quite comfortable with a few exercises while others seem like foreign territory. Or maybe, this isn’t the case at all but you have taken a couple weeks, or a couple months- heck maybe in a couple years off of your typical training regime. No matter, we have got you covered!

Below is what we call a 6 month linear periodization MACROCYCLE!– what does this mean you ask?

It is basically a skeleton of an entire 6 month period training protocol that we have designed (and will manipulate for yourindividual needs) in order to train you to your highest potential just in time for the BIG EVENT–> TOUGH MUDDER!


WITHIN THIS MACROCYCLE are 6 mesocycles (4 weeks, or 1 month long) and within these mesocycles, are microcycles (1 week long), which contain exactly what you will be doing during each particular exercise session.

  • The great thing about a macro cycle (and mesocycles), is that you can see what you will be doing at any point during the training process. The microcycles, (each week of the program) are designed to give you some flexibility. Within your microcycle, you can see how many sessions you are going to do but it does not say when you need to do them in that week. This means that we will be working around your schedule in order to combat the training sessions. However, we do advise that you spread your workload through out the week instead of doing it all in one chunk of a few days!
  • You can also see here how we will be increasing your workload, whether that be through intensity levels, weights, sets, reps and so on, in order to continually progress throughout the process.
  • Fitness Assessments will be scheduled once every two months. However, we may need to make some minor adjustments in the mean time.




  • Full body, body weight exercises that increase strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness and coordination. 



  • Resistance training sessions are designed to target musculoskeletal improvements in strength, power, hypertrophy and endurance! All of these aspects are critical to your ability to burn through the challenges of obstacle courses.



  • A cardiovascular focused work out regime, typically referred to as cardio or endurance training.  Very important training days if you want to be able to make it to the end of the 10-12 miles of grueling obstacle course in your future.


  • These training days are special! Not only do you get to use all of the coolest equipment we have, you will be learning and mastering the elements of the obstacle course that are designed to test your mental grit, stamina and camaraderie. Functional training is where we will coach you to be able to climb ropes, scale walls and literally carry each other to the very end.



KEEP IN MIND- Functional training for this program is not always meant to be done as quick as possible. At the beginning of your training process, the functional training sessions are executed slowly to help teach you fundamentals, technique, skill and muscle memory in order to carry out these obstacles in a quick and safe manner when you come across them in your event.

Functional Training doesn’t always have to include or revolve around these specific exercises. The beauty of functional exercises is that they are designed based on what obstacles, actions or sport specific motions you will be performing during your event!



SEE the services tab at the top of the page for pricing information on the various beginner training programs we offer!

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