Americans social media usage

Around 66% of online adults use different kind of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.  The common use for this population is to use this social media tools to connect with family members and friends around the world, and it could be connections from the past or just new.  Nearly two thirds of the social media users in the survey applied by Pew Research Center mentioned that one of the main reasons of using social media is to stay in contact with current family and friends, and half of the population mentioned that they use social media to try to find and connect with old friends they have lost communication in the past.  Some of the people also mentioned that making new friends by using social media is important as the previous factors.  One of the highlights of this survey is that two-thirds of the population that mentioned that they use social media to stay connected with their family members come from different backgrounds in terms of age, income, education, race, and ethnicity.  Therefore, we can conclude that social media is connecting people from all over the world no matter where you come from or who you are.  Nowadays, thanks to the technology you could find friends or connections from the past and continue building you networking.

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